International Applicants

Procedures for International Student Admission on English Instructed Bachelor Program

Natural and Exact Science Department with close coordination of the TSU administration ensures immediate responses and consultations regarding admission procedures for international applicants. For this purposes the international admission coordinator together with program director ensures step by step guidance and procedures for applicants.

1. The student/applicant writes an application to be enrolled in TSU. This application must be accompanied by a translated and notarized passport, English level certificate (Please see the list of acceptable certificates below), certificate of secondary education (school certificate) or credit sheet - (in case of a student).

1.1. In case the candidate has no language certificate, and is a candidate for enrollment without passing the unified national exams, you may take a Pearson Versant language test for 55 euros. To benefit from this proposal applicants may inform the following contact persons via email or, that they want to take the English language test for Tbilisi State University. You can visit as well.

2. TSU sends these documents to the relevant faculty, the faculty appoints an interview and based on the result confirms that we can enroll a student.

3. TSU gives the candidate a letter of consent, which he/she must take to the National Centre of Educational Quality Enhancement and ask for recognition of the certificate of secondary education from them (school certificate) (Or credit sheet in case of student)

4.In case of recognition, the National Center of Educational Quality Enhancement (Aleksidze 1) will submit the documents to the Ministry of Education and then the Ministry of Education will contact us, on the basis of which we will enroll the student. We sign a contract with the candidate and enroll in TSU.

After enrollment for those who are coming from the countries who need visas to come to Georgia, TSU is preparing invitation letters.

List of Certificates for B1 level:

PET- Preliminary English Test - Pass with merit

IELTS – points: 4.0 - 5.0

TOEIC - points 275-395 (listening) and 275-380 (reading)

TOEFL (IBT) - points 47-86

PTE (General) - level 2

PTE (Academic) - points 43

Admission Requirements:

·  Application form   

· Secondary school certificate translated into Georgian language and attested by notary;

· Passport copy translated into Georgian Language and attested by notary;

· Proof that Mathematic and English language courses were passed at school

Send your application and all required documents to the following email addresses: and

In case of any questions regarding the admission procedures, please contact  Admission Coordinator 

Bachelor Program  Computer Science

Study program Head: Prof. Manana Khachidze

Study program Coordinator: Prof. Magda Tsintsadze

Enactment date of study program (academic year): 2006

Program Title: Computer Science

Awarded qualification: Bachelor of Computer Science

Duration and Volume of Program in Credits: Program duration is 4 academic years or 8 semesters and includes 240 ECTS credits;

Language of Education program: English

Tuition fees: annually 4000 USD (2000 USD per semester)


Study Process at TSU

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is a spiritual and intellectual successor of multi-century Georgian culture, humanistic traditions and old Georgian educational, scientific and cultural centers. 

To accumulate the respective amount of credits for the accomplishment of each cycle of higher education.

The first cycle – Bachelor’s degree programme – at least 240 ECTS credits

From 2007 until 2010 there was a certified specialist’s educational programme  within the framework of higher education, which covered 120-180 ECTS credits.

The students were admitted to these programmes commensurate with the procedure, envisaged by Georgian law, against a general education certificate.

A higher education institution is entitled to award an interim qualification to a student in the case of taking only a part of the educational programme (in the case of accumulation of ECTS credits envisaged for the short cycle within the first cycle educational programme). An interim qualification can be awarded after the attainment of the learning outcomes envisaged for a part of the respective educational programme, which cannot be less than the half of the net amount of ECTS credits envisaged for the educational programme concerned (from 1 September 2010).

The second cycle: Master’s degree Programme – at least, 120 ECTS credits

The third cycle: Doctorate – at least, 180 ECTS credits